Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello From Morna Owens

Dear Friends and Followers:
I have not been posting on this blog as I have not painted recently due to the illness of my husband. He had surgery in October for bladder cancer. He was quite ill in the hospital and when he came home. Then there was Christmas. After that, he began chemotherapy the last week in December which will last until March. Caring for him became my passion. My muse stirs me up on occasion with inspiration but the most I seem to be able to do is sketch out the idea. I will be back. I thank all of you who have visited this blog from far away and I regret that there hasn't been more for you to see. I notice that "Boa Babes", Serious Night Blooming Ceres and "Navy Kiss" get hits frequently. Thanks for browsing by. Feel free to leave a message as the creative part of me could use a comment or two to support my effort to return to painting when I can. Thanks for listening and please remember to not only offer to help those folks you know who are ill but the ones caring for them too.
My best to you all, Morna