Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Serious Night Blooming Ceres

Good Morning. With spring arriving and summer on its way, I thought I would share with you this pastel painting I did from a photograph of this splendid cactus one night last summer. This plant is ugly most of the time. It has awkward limbs and fat, flat leaves and strange shoots that are skinny with no leaves and just grow taller and taller. They make me think of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." The first year I warily watched it grow bigger and tried treating it kindly, watering and fertilizing it as if it were a lovely rose or sweet smelling lilac. It began to put forth little brown knobs on the flat leaves. These knobs grew until they became some kind of wiry, spidery closed bud. Then one night, as we wandered in the garden, we looked over and the bud had burst open! There, was the most beautiful white bloom resembling a chrysantheum but much bigger. It was like a burst of white fireworks! The next day it was dead. You see, the bud only blooms one night. All that ugliness, all that twisting, all those weird shoots result in one night of glory. Other blooms followed. Now, some years later, we have rooted several and, one night, sometime in the summer, there will be white fireworks in the garden again. The moral to this story, if there is one, is that maybe appearances are deceiving. Maybe, behind or within something we consider ugly, there is beauty beyond belief. Thanks for tuning in.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Good morning folks. This is Trippy, our outdoors pet cat. When we moved into this house 9 years ago, it came with Trippy's mother, Mama Cat, who was feral but very open to being fed. We began to pet her while she was eating and we all became friends. Several litters, and I mean several litters followed. We tried to care for them. We gave away kittens by 2's and 3's. I would name them all - Princess, Cuddles, Charles, etc. Then I stopped because after naming them, I would miss them. We took care of the problem of overpopulation with the help of Peta and another rescue organization which assisted us with spaying/neutering Mama Cat, her grandaughter Sissy, her son Blackie, and her great grandson Trippy. They now live in our backyard. These have all been short-haired cats except for Trippy who has long hair, as if some Persian is his long lost ancestor. Trippy is very loving when he wants to be. He will twine around your legs until you sit down and let him lie in your lap. Nature being what it is - unavoidable - Trippy hides in my flower beds, stalking birds. In this picture, he seems to be asserting his true belief regarding birds, "I can see you but you can't see me." Have a nice day, thanks for tuning in.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Painted Shack

Sometimes it can be engaging to paint things not as they are, but as you'd like them to be. This pastel/watercolor painting is an example of my muse running wild. This old shack, sitting on the edge of town, takes on a new personality when rendered in bright colors. It seems peaceful in spite of the lovely colors. To paraphrase a line from a song in My Fair Lady, "all I want is a room somewhere." A room, a shack, my room, my shack. "Wouldn't it be loverly?" Thanks for tuning in. What would your shack look like?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pink and Glass

This is a pastel painting I did of a flower arrangment a good friend sent me to bring me cheer while I was recovering from some surgery. Unknowingly, she not only touched my heart with her thoughtfulness, she provided me with inspiration to paint. I had been so preoccupied with getting well, I'd not even thought of painting. This bouquet stirred my muse and I began to paint again. Again, her gesture did more than cheer me up, it brought me back to my passion. Thus, I began to really recover. The things we do for others or give to others with no thought of recompense always set in motion good consequences. More often than not, we never know about this ripple effect. But the universe knows and we are rewarded in a way that just suits our need at just the precise moment. Thanks for tuning in. Let us all go out today and smile at one another. May the ripples roll.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Good afternoon, Folks. This pen and watercolor sketch I did this morning as I wanted to try to paint a cat. Please tell me this little black animal looks like a black cat. Usually, I enjoy painting nature scenes and often add people to them. Sometimes I add birds. However, Riverview Gallery, where some of my art hangs, is having a theme show next month entitled, "It's Raining Frogs and Cats." So, I opted to try to paint a cat rather than a frog. This painting also follows my musings regarding peace and serenity. Trees, park benches, water, etc., seem to offer us the advice, "be still and all will be well." Being still is something cats do very well, if you have ever noticed. They also seem to convey an independent, self-sufficient air, i.e., "I don't know what you're going to do, but I'm going to rest right here until I'm good and ready to move." The boy in this painting seems to be admiring the composure of his cat friend. Thanks for tuning in. Remember, "be still and all will be well."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Princess Grace In The Moonlight

This pastel was done from a photograph I took of some roses in my garden one night last year. This rose is called, "Princess Grace" after Princess Grace of Monaco. As you can see, the bloom is pale pink at the bottom then ends in a richer pink. A companion rose to this one, also in my garden, is "Cary Grant." He is a salmon colored rose. Why I planted these two together was to memorialize the movie, "To Catch A Thief." Classic move lovers will remember that Grace Kelly and Cary Grant were cast in this suspenseful yet romantic movie. This year, both bushes are budding out all over and I hope to photograph them together one night. How romantic, eh? Romance in nature, now there's a subject to write about and paint! Thanks for tuning in.

Thursday, April 9, 2009



In the spring

I planted tiny seeds;

I protected them well,

Pulling out the weeds.

I watched as shoots,

Tender, small and green,

Rose up above the mound,

Struggling to be seen.

The sun rose up

And the buds appeared;

Soon the vision I'd had

Would make it's grand premiere.

Then, birthed in my backyard

Were blue forget-me-nots;

Now the beauty of your soul

I pledge I will forget not.

For I shall pick a posy

After the dew is gone,

And pin it just above my heart

To wear the whole day long.

Morna Owens

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Poppin' Poppies II

Good morning to you all. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers to paint. They seem so proud - long stems, topped by open and inviting blooms, standing tall among the grasses and other flowers around them. Viewing a field of poppies, the wind creates waves that ebb and flow resembling the the tides and movements of an ocean or a river. Nature presents us with patterns showing that certain shapes, themes and colors are repeated over and over. There are shapes, patterns and colors repeated in our own lives, perhaps by actions or even fashion choices. What is your favorite color? Is it blue? If so, does a blue sky draw your attention? Are your eyes blue? How many shades of blue are in nature? We are part of this planet and we do contribute to it in our own way. Thanks for tuning in today, go out and contribute!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good morning. Everything in my yard has buds but not yet bursting into blooms. The daffodils are plentiful though. This pastel captures the joy of spring and the tradition of a new dress for Easter Sunday. Her look seems to say, "this is my flower." Enjoy your day. Each new morning brings us closer to those warm spring days. Thanks for tuning in.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


White light, God light,

Fill my inner core,

Slow the hurry, ease the worry

Until they are no more.

White light, God light,

Warm this heart of mine,

Make it kinder, make it gentler

For me and all mankind.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Good afternoon. Thought I would share with you this sketch from my sketch book. I've named her KiKi, which is short for Katherine. She doesn't like the name Katherine so she picked her own nickname. She's a kooky teenager who's intelligent but chooses to hide it well. You may find her listening to a little Frank Sinatra or Elvis when her friends aren't looking. She likes art that has a deep and emotional theme. She's very, very funny and her quirky sense of humor emerges unexpectedly. Someday I may write a short story about her and her escapades. I think there is some of "KiKi" in all of us - maybe the rebel. Have a great day and let your "KiKi" side out. Thanks for tuning in.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sunset Somewhere

Hello. Today I was in the mood to paint a pastel. I was inspired to paint a sunset. To me this painting represents peace and serenity. I don't know where it is geographically, but I'm sure it exists somewhere in the world as well as my imagination. I hope you enjoy it. Go out, have a wonderful day and remember, your day is your original creation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lake Mattamuskeet

This morning I thought I thought I would share with you a painting I did of Lake Mattamuskeet which is located in Hyde Country, N.C. This lake is 7 miles wide and 21 miles long. Rumor has it that the lake was formed by the Mattamuskeet indians burning the ground out. Another rumor is that in the 30's as part of the WPA system, it was drained to permit crops to be planted. Eventually it was filled up again. It is so calm, so peaceful, one feels endless serenity while sitting along side it. May this painting give you peace and serenity if only for just a moment. Thanks for tuning in.