Monday, August 24, 2009

Morning - phase 2

Hello Folks. This is phase 2 of the oil painting I am working on at present. As I said, oil painting takes time and I appreciate your being patient with me through this process. As you can see, the trees are growing leaves. Any comments would be welcome.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Good morning followers and visitors. Taking a leaf out of my friend, Laura Tovar Deitrick's book, I am writing to tell you that I am still painting, but in oils. Pastels and watercolors dry quickly and are ready for scanning or photographing sometimes the same day they are done. Oils take time. Some areas need to dry (which takes time) before one can approach them again. Anyway, as a stopgap and to keep in touch with you, I am posting a photograph of an oil I am working on even though it is unfinished. I'll try to update you with photos as I complete the various stages. Hope you enjoy this process. Let me know. Thanks, Morna

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Navy Kiss

Good morning. This pastel painting was inspired by a newspaper article covering a homecoming of a Navy ship. Even though it was years ago and my husband was in the Air Force, I vividly recall his homecomings. The excited crowds filled with spouses, children, girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, etc. would surge forward like a tidal wave at the first glimpse of a uniform. And, at least once, my husband grabbed me up off my feet and twirled me around. Romance hung in the air. I wish for this couple continued romance.