Good morning, folks. I was at the doctor's office the other day and told him I seemed to be sleeping too much. I mentioned that on some afternoons, I fall asleep for 3 hours or more, only to awaken and go to bed at 10:00 and sleep through the night. He said that a 3 hour nap was a bit long for us, around here. He meant our country. He said that in other countries, an afternoon siesta is customary, if not expected. He must have travelled a lot because he named several countries where afternoon naps are part of employment: businesses closing, just for lunch and a siesta, to open again around 4:00 and stay open until 8:00 or so in the evening. I know about these customs in other countries and I think he knew I knew. As I look back, he seemed rather wistfull in manner, as if he were remembering siestas he had taken elsewhere. So, this pastel painting was inspired by a trip to the doctor's office. He prescribed a 1 hour nap for me. I bet he would prescribe a siesta for everyone if he could, himself included. Have a long, leisurely siesta as soon as you can - maybe in your backyard, your own "Siesta Country."
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