Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Good morning. This pastel shows a sailboat which appears to be heading into a violent thunderstorm. It seems very fragile as it faces the force of nature. No doubt the captain had a map, had a plan and charted his course to clear the shoals and catch the wind to carry him to his destination. In living our lives, we often have a destination so we get a map, chart a course and navigate the shoals to smooth sailing. But, suddenly stuff happens. Sometimes it's a lack of organization on our part. Sometimes, it's the interference of someone else. It can be a disappointment or an outright storm we feel as tragedy. We are disoriented, frightened and bewildered. How could this happen to our best laid plans? I, for one, don't know. What I do know is that our only choice is to hunker down and ride it out. Once it is over, we start anew. Again and again. We are brave. We do try again. We are heroes and heroines in our own lives everyday. I salute us. Thanks for tuning in.


  1. This is just lovely, Morna. I couldn't agree more with how we think that everything can be planned out and then, "suddenly" everything goes awry. You are indeed wise and I think that it's wonderful how connected you are to your art and who you are.

  2. Hi morna n peppi (spelling)
    hope this is the right site..this is steve real love the paintings!
    Heres a tune or 7
