Monday, April 13, 2009

Princess Grace In The Moonlight

This pastel was done from a photograph I took of some roses in my garden one night last year. This rose is called, "Princess Grace" after Princess Grace of Monaco. As you can see, the bloom is pale pink at the bottom then ends in a richer pink. A companion rose to this one, also in my garden, is "Cary Grant." He is a salmon colored rose. Why I planted these two together was to memorialize the movie, "To Catch A Thief." Classic move lovers will remember that Grace Kelly and Cary Grant were cast in this suspenseful yet romantic movie. This year, both bushes are budding out all over and I hope to photograph them together one night. How romantic, eh? Romance in nature, now there's a subject to write about and paint! Thanks for tuning in.


  1. You know that I just love these...also, To Catch a Thief is one of my very favorites.

  2. I agree! A great movie and some beautiful flowers - not to mention a gorgeous painting. I got to see Princess Grace's garden in Monaco...especially filled with "her" roses. This reminds me of that wonderful trip.
