Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hello everyone.  I haven't blogged in a while nor painted because I am writing a book; however, I was stuck on my book the other day and turned to my oil paints to give my brain something else to focus on and here he is -- Cesar!  He just appeared from my imagination.  It took me about 4 hours to paint it because he must have been just waiting to get birthed, skipping around in my head, longing for escape.  I usually use a picture of some kind to get faces right - proportions, etc.  This time, I didn't have to use any tools other than my mind's eye.  I hope you like him.  He has some of the vagabond spirit of the main character in my book - what a surprise. And, don't you like his name?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hope Springs In Winter

I was inspired to paint this little pastel after attending my grandson's wedding yesterday.  Even in winter, hope can be found, just as in the deepest pain, there is love and where there is lack, thereto is abundance.